23 May 2006

Breaking Set It Up news!

There is no breaking news but I just felt like saying that. It's RayLynn again. We are working on the 5. My segment is a narritive on 2 school kids who have to work on a project worth a lot of points and they really don't want to work together! On another note, my grandmother gave me an idea to do an independant project(in other words away from Set It Up)
for a story she wrote when I was little called The Grapefruit Tree.
It's about my great-grandmother who was very near and dear to my heart.

1 comment:

rox said...

There's always breaking news, you just have to find it. Or make it up. I want to hear more about this graprefruit tree story! I think it'd be cool if gatorade grew on trees, and when you wanted one you could just go pick it. But not those X-Factor ones, those are dumb.